Our current initiatives - Important info from Westrup regarding COVID-19

Dear customers, business partners and suppliers,

The Danish Government has put forward a number of initiatives to prevent the spreading of COVID-19/ Coronavirus in Denmark and abroad. At Westrup we take the announcement from the authorities very seriously and we have therefore taken the necessary precautions to protect our employees, families and everyone else around us.

All employees who can work from home are encouraged to do so, and all other employees work in shifts to avoid close contact. Employees are also urged to hold Skype meetings rather than meeting in person.

It is important to stress that all employees are still working, and therefore, customers, business partners and suppliers will not feel the effect of these measures much. We are however not sending employees abroad untill the situation is better. Customers affected by this are informed. As always, you can get in touch with us within our normal office hours.

Westrup will continue to provide the same level of service as usual and even though the Danish borders are closed untill April 13th, import and export of goods is still allowed. All orders will therefore be delivered to customers and business partners on time, as long as there are not any restrictions in the receiving country.

Currently the situation allows for all orders to be delivered on time and we will uphold this for as long as possible. However, the situation in other countries keep changing and our supply chain will therefore be challenged. We will keep relevant parties informed in case of changes.

We are monitoring the situation closely and will keep adjusting these measures to fit the situation at hand. Lastly, Westrup would like to send our best wishes to everyone affected by this unfortunate situation.

// Westrup A/S

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