• Our aim is to provide on-site service to ensure your staff becomes acquainted with the specific machinery, allowing them to adjust parameters, valves, and handles, as well as promptly identify any potential malfunctions.

    In order to tailor the training specifically to your plant and taking into consideration your team’s knowledge, our service technician, along with your team, will thoroughly inspect your factory.

  • Our test center provide a comprehensive range of training options for both products and equipment. By participating in our training programs, your employees will gain expertise in effectively setting up machinery and effectively controlling the product throughout the processing stages. This knowledge will enable them to make necessary adjustments that significantly enhance the overall quality of your end product.

    Send an e-mail to your representative, or, to book an appointment for training or testing in one of our test centers.

    Our test centers are situated in:

    • Saint Melanie Sur Aubance, France

    • Sioux Falls, SD, USA

    • Slagels, Denmark

  • By having a set agreement in place, your business can tailor the service arrangement according to its specific requirements. This may involve a combination of scheduled preventive services during convenient periods, predetermined rates, a defined level of emergency service, and even training sessions to keep your staff well-equipped with the necessary skills for handling your equipment.

  • In the event of a breakdown, the initial action is to recognize and analyze the predicament at hand. Subsequently, a proficient service technician will be dispatched to your designated site equipped with the appropriate tools and essential equipment. Our service technicians promptly and diligently respond, ensuring a swift resumption of your production operations.

    To learn more contact:

  • A complimentary consultation is provided by a service engineer and a local sales manager from Westrup. They will visit your facility to carry out preventive maintenance on your machines. After a thorough assessment, a comprehensive proposal will be presented to you, detailing necessary adjustments and spare parts to prepare your plant for the upcoming seasons. Regardless of the age of your Westrup machines, diagnostic services are available for all.

    Book diagnostic by sendin an e-mail to your representative, or

  • To get your sample tested in our test centre, you need to provide the raw material. How much is needed depends on the product to be tested, how many processes are required and the types of machines that are used. Our in-house experts will guide you on this. During processing, we will uncover whether your ideal machine requires specific settings to give you the best result. After testing, you will receive a detailed report on how your crop was processed – which machines were used and a specification of how your product performed in each stage of the process. With this information, we will be able to provide you with the machine combination that is exactly right for your seed or grain.

    Send an e-mail to your representative, or, to book an appointment for training or testing in one of our test centers.

    Our test centers are situated in:

    • Saint Melanie Sur Aubance, France

    • Sioux Falls, SD, USA

    • Slagels, Denmark

  • As a rule of thumb, we offer original geniune spare parts for 99% of all machines ever produces at Westrup. We manufacture the spare parts in our factory in Slagelse, Denmark, why we can ensure the correct measurements on close to every spare parts you may need.

  • When determaining the need for a spare part please contact:

  • We always recommend that you order Westrup spare parts, as that is the only way we can ensure your machines longevity.

    When using genuine Westrup spare parts we ensure that they are specifically made for your machine type, we offer our expertise guidance and installation possibilities to ensure your down-time is kept to a minimum.


  •   A modular cleaner is a machine built up of different standard modules. It can be adapted to different needs, wither when purchased or as your needs changes.

  • When the modular cleaner is built up with the correct modules, it will be the best machine for the purpose.

  • Because of the flexibility it givs!

    1) You have the possibility to get the machine made exactly for your specifications.

    2) Easier to install in existing buildings than traditional machines.

    3) If the demand or marked changes, it is possible to change the machine to fit another purpose, flow, capacity etc. This can be done easily by changing one or more modules, eliminating the need to buy a completely new machine, thus saving money and time.

  • De-awners are used for pre-treatment of various grain types; the purpose of the de-awning operation is to remove awns on barley kernels, loose husks from wheat and to clip oat kernels.

    The de-awner can be used where heavy de-awning is required but also for products where only a light de-awning is needed. The degree of de-awning depends on the amount of time the product takes to pass through the housing of the machine which can be adjusted when the machine is in process.

  • The straw separator is an efficient pre/ rough-cleaner suitable for intake plants with high moisture-content crops containing a particularly high amount of straw/ pods and coarse impurities.

    The large diameter rotating straw drums and manually adjustable product flow plates gives an optimal removal of straw and other large particles in combination with a strong airflow to catch light impurities. Two mesh sizes are available to meet the requirements of any crop.

    The straw separator is suitable for intake sections and silos to relieve the following machines and conveyors.

  • The drum cleaner (DC) is used to remove large impurities from grain in the milling and similar industry to prevent damage of equipment later in the flow.

    The drum pre-cleaner (DP) is used to remove very large impurities, such as paper, pieces of wood, bushes or corn cobs from the main product.

  • Brushing machines are useful in vegetable and grass seed installations, especially for splitting twin kernels and polishing seeds and leaves. The machines are easy to clean and therefore very suitable for basic seed plants and installations to produce flower and garden seeds.

    The rotating shaft can be installed with different types of brushes or steel beaters to ensure a highly efficient treatment of a wide range of products, with easy adjustment of the distance of brushes to the mantle.

  • Air screen pre-cleaners are used to remove large and small impurities from incoming seed and grain to relieve the following machines and ready the product for storage.

    We offer a comprehensive range of air screen pre-cleaning equipment for different purposes, among these for cleaning, sizing, precleaning, market grade cleaning and food grade cleaning. Capacities range from low-capacity machines suitable for grain storage facilities to high-capacity machines suitable for high intake plants.

  • All the Air screen pre-cleaners work with a combination of screens and airflow.

    Firstly, a pre-suction catches light impurities and dust.

    Secondly, a combination of screens, depending on capacity, separates large and small impurities. Screen sizes can be changed depending on product.

    Lastly, a heavy after suction of the product catches even more light product with the same size as the main product.

  • Pre-cleaning is the first process after harvesting and is required to remove all unwanted product from the prime product. By removing the large and small impurities and dust, you prolong the storage time and reduce the risk of disease in the product. You also prevent blocking of silo outlets and further equipment in the process.

  • Air screen fine cleaners remove light impurities by using a precise air stream to lift light foreign material away from the prime product and sieveboats with scalping and sand/sifting screens to remove small and large impurities.

    We offer many versatile air screen fine cleaning machines suitable for many purposes, amongst these precision cleaning, fine cleaning, and sizing.

  • All the fine cleaners are working with a combination of screens and airflow.

    Fine cleaners always have a controlled flow of capacity, such as adjustable rpm on feed roll or vibrator feeder.

    A combination of screens, depending on capacity, separates large and small impurities.

    A combination of screens, depending on capacity and the chosen screen flow allows the machine to separate different fractions of material as desired.

    Followed by a heavy after suction of the product.

  • A fine cleaner is used when you aim for a purity of 95% or higher.

    A fine cleaner is always the machine to be used before the product continues to Indented cylinder, gravity, color sorter or grader.

  • A Grader is a machine which is sizing the seeds up to a very high precision.

  • A grader has a very even flow, distribution and capacity. The screens have a relative low inclination, and a hole perforation with a very little tolerance.

  • A grader is chosen when you demand very high precision.
    A grader is generally a good choice for high value seeds.

  • These machines handle the separation of short product, long product or both short and long product according to the cylinder combination.

    Length graders are used for separating the product into different grades, ensuring an accurate sizing into four different fractions in just one operation. The machines are suitable for many types of crops especially sunflower seeds, soya beans and corn.

  • The Indented cylinder system can be built up from a simple system with one cylinder and up to an indefinite amount of cylinders stacked on top of each other.
    The number of indented cylinders depends on desired number of fractions and capacity.

    Each flow through an Indented cylinder provides 2 fractions.

  • An indented cylinder is chosen if you want to have seeds of the same length, or to remove impurities which are shorter or longer than the main product.

  • Gravity separation is used for fine grading and removal of impurities with identical particle size but with differences in density. Our gravity separators have a highly efficient air intake with a built-in fan ensuring a uniform air distribution across the entire deck.

  • A gravity separate has a vibrating deck with air flow. The angle of the deck can be adjusted in two directions, combined with the speed of deck oscillation, and the adjustable airflow, this allows for the product to be separate into different fractions by density.

  • If you want to have a high purity and high germination.

  • A brushing machine is a machine used to separate or polish seeds or leaves.

  • A brushing machine has a fixed part and a rotating part. The fixed part is a cylinder with a wire mesh chosen based on the product and purpose.
    The rotating part is a shaft where different types of brushes or steel beater can be attached. The product is entered between the fixed and the rotating part and are in this way treated. 

  • If you wish to:

    1) Separate double seeds

    2) Separate seeds or leaves from stem or straw.

    3) Polish surface of seeds.

    Often used for high value seeds.

  • A size separator is designed to separate round seeds from flat seeds by means of gravity.

    The machine can be built with one, two, four, six, or eight spirals per cabinet, depending on the capacity. One spiral gives 2 fractions, one round and one flat.

  • The spiral separator is a vertical spiral where the flat seeds will stay inside the spiral and the round seeds will be pushed over the edge of the spiral by means of gravity.

  • A size separator can be used on all round seeds that are broken, such as soya bean, rape seeds, coriander etc.

  • o   A belt conveyor is a conveyor primary for horizontal transportation, or with a low inclination, from a few meters to 100-200 meter long.

    o   The belt on the conveyor is often a rubber belt, PVC or PU, depending on purpose.

    o   Capacities can vary from a few kg/h to more than 1.000 tons/h.

    A belt conveyor is a gentle transport option for the seeds, it is self-cleaning too and simple to use

  • o   A bucket elevator is a conveyor, primarily for vertical transportation.

    o   The height can be set from a few meters to more than 50 meters, with a large capacity span from 100 kg to 2.000 t/h

    o  By combining different types of bucket elevarors it is possible to create a combination of vertical and horizontal conveying.

  • Our fluid bed dryers are designed as a surface dryer to use after a chemical treatment process and can be used for most kinds of treated seeds.

    The inlet section is built to ensure an even spread of product over the full working width of the machine.

  • The dryer has a vibrating screen with heavy suction which creates an airflow through the screen and on to the product, drying the liquid on the seeds.

    Hot air can be added if there is a very high amount of liquid added to the seeds.

  • If your product demands a high percentage of liquid added in the seed treater the fluidized bed dryer is essential to avoid wet seeds from sticking together, creating problems in the sowing process.

  • The small-scale laboratory machines are designed for small scale processing of seed and grain, as laboratory equipment, in research stations or in institutes.

  • A small-scale machine works just ike the full-size machine of the same sort. See specific information under each machin type from the menu.

  • They are especially suitable for batch or continuous processing of small volumes of seeds or grain prior to a cleaning and grading processes. The small-scale seed and grain cleaning equipment has the same functionalities as our full-size machines.

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  • A batch seed treater is used for pelleting, coating, incrustation, and dressing coaters. Either with a powder or liquid treatment solution. This is done for different reasons, such as to protect the seed from diseases, keep any added fertilizer or pesticide on the seed, to make it visually easy to see when spreading and prolonging the lifespan of the seed.

  • A batch treater is a very accurate machine as it treats each kg of seeds with an exact amount of liquid or combination of liquid and powder.

    A premeasured amount of seed is added to the machine, e.g. 100 kg, after which the amount of liquid is added (ml) and/or the powder (gram).

    The batch is mixed in a constant flow for a few minutes until the product is completely even.

    When coating different types of powder can be added one by one to obtain the desired coating.

  • Our continuous seed treaters are designed for the treatment of diverse products such as cereals. The construction ensures an even flow of both seed and treating liquid while assuring a high level of treatment quality.

    This is done for different reasons, such as to protect the seed from diseases, keep any added fertilizer or pesticide on the seed, to make it visually easy to see when spreading and prolonging the lifespan of the seed.

  • The product and the liquid are added at the same time in the treater, so the surface of the seeds will be evenly covered with liquid. This can be done in pre-programed recipes for an easy treating process.

  • A seed treater is used to give the seeds a high germination when it will be sown out.

    A seed treater can also protect the seed from diseases, keep any added fertilizer or pesticide on the seed, to make it visually easy to see when spreading and prolonging the lifespan of the seed.

  • A Navigator 4.0 is a soft and hardware system which inline can adjust and control pre and tail- aspiration on an air and screen cleaner.

  • With air velocity sensors in the pre- and tail aspiration channels is it possible for the Navigator 4.0 to keep the correct air velocity and correct performance in the machine all the time, whatever influence there can come from the central aspiration system.

  • o   1) If you have production unmanned.

    o   2) If you do not have many skilled operators.

    o   3) If you would like to minimize loss of good seeds and keep a high quality.

    4) If you would like to have a log of your production

  • An optical sorter is doing a sorting after color, reflection or form.

  • First the optical sorter must learn what we will have separated away and the good ones. It is done by manually finding the defect seeds and impurities which the optical sorter takes several images of from all sides. In the same way shall images be taken of the good seeds.

    Then the optical sorter can recognize the defects and good seed.

    The product is feed into several channels, depending on capacity. Each channel has a camara in the front and back, which will find the defects. The defects will be blown away by a very exact air nozzle.

  • o   An optical sorter is a natural machine to have in the line after air and screen cleaner, Indented cylinder and Gravity when you will up to a very high purity without losing to many good seeds.

    o   An optical sorter can separate identical seeds with different color, which not is possible on other machines.