When designing a new plant or updating your equipment it is important to invest in the correct equipment. Westrup modular cleaners can be designed and combined to fit your needs and requirements. All machines can be modified to meet your standards in regards to capacity, sizee, number of sieveboats and more.
Westrups modular program consists of multiple machines for pre-cleaning, fine-cleaning and grading.
Capacity: 125-380 t/h
Models: CC-1250 | CC -1500 | CC-1750 | CC-2000 | CC-2500
The CC high capacity modular cleaner is a very versatile seed and grain cleaner performing at high capacities
Capacity: 100-250 t/h
Models: SP-1000 | SP–1250 | SP-1500 | SP-1750 | SP-2000 | SP-2500
The SP high capacity modular cleaner is a very versatile cleaner performing at high capacities
Capacity: 50-150 t/h
Models: SD-1000 | SD–1250 | SD-1500 | SD-1750 | SD-2000
The SD mid-range modular cleaner is a very versatile cleaner applicable for many seed and grain cleaning purposes
Capacity: 50-75 t/h
Models: SI-50 | SI-60 | SI-70
The SI pre-cleaner is designed for intake plants. The long double air separation channel across the full width of the cleaner with perfectly balanced and very precise air control giving a very accurate extraction of dust etc. as the product exits the machine
Capacity: 25-38 t/h
AS-1000 | AS-1500
The AS pre-cleaner is designed to be used mainly in grain store applications where it is desirable to pre-clean the incoming grain
Capacity: 30-50 t/h
Models: SAC-1000 | SAC-1250 | SAC-1500
The SAC silo separator is ideally suited to dress malting barley and milling grain to the highest quality commercial sample at a reduced throughout
Capacity: 25-45 t/h
Models: SAB-1000 | SAB-1250 | SAB-1500
The SAB silo separator is first and foremost designed to master pre-cleaning jobs at modern intake plants
Capacity: 12-30 t/h
Models: PC-600 | PC-1000 | PC-1250 | PC-1500
The PC pre-cleaner is suitable for grading and calibration of all kinds of seed and grain products
Capacity: 2 t/h
Models: S-600
The S-600 mobile seed grain cleaner is specially designed for use on larger farms or smaller cleaning plants where emphasis is placed on the quality of the prime product. The S-600 is designed for most kind of free -floating seeds, like wheat, barley, rye, oats, triticale and similar seeds
Capacity: 12-48 t/h
Models: CC-1250 | CC -1500 | CC-1750 | CC-2000 | CC-2500
The CC high capacity modular cleaner is a very versatile seed and grain cleaner performing at high capacities
Capacity: 6-36 t/h
Models: FP-1250 | FP -1500 | FP-1750 | FP-2000 | FP-2500
The FP high capacity modular cleaner is a very versatile cleaner performing at high capacities
Capacity: 3-12 t/h
Models: UP-1000 | UP–1250 | UP-1500 | UP-1750 | UP-2000
The UP mid-range modular cleaner is a very versatile cleaner applicable for many seed and grain cleaning purposes
Capacity: 1.2 t/h
Models: GAU-600
The GAU universal fine cleaner is suitable for cleaning and grading cereals and seeds
Capacity: 6-17 t/h
Models: FAU-1000 | FAU-1250 | FAU-1500
The FAU fine cleaner is first and foremost designed to be the main machine in seed and grain cleaning plants
Capacity: 9-13 t/h
Models: AP-1000 | AP-1250 | AP-1500
The AP high performance cleaner is designed for fine cleaning of cereals
Capacity: 3-6 t/h
The GD modular grader is a very compact machine ensuring an accurate sizing in 4 fractions of a large variety of products in one operation
Capacity: 10-18 t/h
The GP modular grader is a very compact machine ensuring an accurate sizing in 4 fractions of a large variety of products in one operation
A modular cleaner is a machine built up of different standard modules. It can be adapted to different needs, wither when purchased or as your needs changes.
When the modular cleaner is built up with the correct modules, it will be the best machine for the purpose.
Because of the flexibility it givs!
1) You have the possibility to get the machine made exactly for your specifications.
2) Easier to install in existing buildings than traditional machines.
3) If the demand or marked changes, it is possible to change the machine to fit another purpose, flow, capacity etc. This can be done easily by changing one or more modules, eliminating the need to buy a completely new machine, thus saving money and time.