KWS, Buzet-Sur-Baïse, France

In 2024 Westrup installed the first phase of an extensive project at the large seed breeding company KWS in Buzet-Sur-Baïse, France.

KWS is a leading company providing farmers with high-quality seed for sowing worldwide. Westrup is proud to supply KWS with high-quality cleaning machines for various crops, such as corn, sugar beet, colza, and sunflower, which this KWS branch offers.

KWS project manager states:” Westrup France and Westrup DK in cooperation with our KWS Buzet team and the German KWS Project department, did great in cooperating to secure the customized cleaning and pre-cleaning line. Westrups' ability to create custom machines and process lines for the KWS factory meets our needs and expectations.”

Country manager Christine Coutard and Technical Sales Manager Sébastien Bessagnet from Westrup France were at KWS scaling the factory before addressing which machines would comply with this specific project. Westrup’s technical department, product specialists from Westrup’s head office, and the Westrup Project department in Denmark worked in close collaboration to meet the plant's needs, designing and calculating which machines would match KWS’s specific needs.

From start to finish the order was handled in a little less than three years making this an interesting, instructive, and diverse project to be part of.

From start to finish it was important for Westrup to make sure we were communicating clearly, frequently, and consistently with KWS Buzet, andt the team at KWS headquarter, both our dedicated project manager and the sales manager in France, Christine Coutard, and I visited the factory on numerous occasions to follow the process closely. We learned a lot from this project and are happy to have provided such an extensive line for this global customer” - Westrups CEO Bo Borne Jørgensen informs.

This project is one of many we have installed across the world with large variations in demands, cleaning needs, and budgeting.

More on projects click here

This case description has been approved by KWS in France.

To learn more about the company click: KWS in France


Lars Brandt-Erichsen
Director, Projects & Aftermarket

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Peter B. Jensen
Project Manager

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Christine Coutard
Country Manager, France and Italy

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Sébastien Bessagnet
Technical Sales Manager

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