Westrup - seed cleaning equipment

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Many thanks to everybody who stopped by booth 1119. We enjoyed talking to every one of you and were once again affirmed that all our customers needs are unique.

- Geoff Rudesill, Kevin Kidwell and Anders Thorsted

Presenting Our Navigator 4.0 Solutions at ASTA CSS and Seed Expo


At our booth we gave all who stopped by a demonstration of the Navigator 4.0 – Westrup’s new automation system, which was released earlier this year.

The Navigator 4.0 provides you with easy access to machine settings. You can manage or create new batch setups, monitor the control-system performance over time and alarms will inform you exactly where something is wrong, so you can fix it easily.  

With the Navigator 4.0, we also released the Adaptive Aspiration Control (AAC) system which allows your screen cleaner to maintain a constant air velocity in the product sorting zones, ensuring less of the prime product in the waste. The system regulates itself regardless of the fluctuations in the aspirations system, meaning the AAC automatically regulates when product throughflow changes or when neighboring plants shut down.

Our next release is just around the corner, the Intelligent Screen Management (ISM) system. The ISM ensures that your operators identify the correct screens and place the screens correctly in the sieveboat. This will prevent you from having to re-run your product saving time and increasing profits.

Placing just ONE screen incorrectly is very costly. The ISM ensures that the right screen is in the right place at the right time. Prevention of just ONE batch running with incorrect screens can cause instant payback of the ISM.

New service opportunities


We know you are always looking for ways to improve your productivity. For this reason, we are constantly searching for ways to support you in achieving your goals. That is why we have expanded our Service Team in North America with the addition of a dedicated Service Engineer and Service Manager in our new Denver Office.

To ensure that your operation is fully functional, our Service Team provides:

  • Preventive maintenance ensuring your operational stability.

  • Repairs and assessments of your existing Westrup equipment.

  • Operator training.

Change in Leadership


After 34 years of loyal service to Westrup, Geoff Rudesill has decided to step down as Country Manager for Westrup Inc. and will officially retire on 31st December 2018. With him, he takes Debbie Rudesill, his wife, who has also been working in Westrup Inc. for many years.

Geoff’s contribution to our organization and the industry has been tremendous. And Debbie’s support in the office has been greatly treasured by all. They will be deeply missed. Nonetheless, we wish him and Debbie all the best and happy days ahead.

In Geoff’s place, as new Country Manager you’ll very soon find Kevin Kidwell, who at this time is Sales, Service and Test Center Manager for Westrup Inc. Kevin has a great deal of experience in this industry and with the type of machines and services we provide. That is why we are certain, that he is the right man for the job.

With this change, our Westrup Inc. office has moved to Wheat Ridge, Colorado, and we are looking forward to welcoming our customers there from now on.