....about westrup..about westrup..über westrup..about westrup..about westrup....


....With more than 65 years of knowledge we are ready to help you reach your goals..Avec plus de 65 ans de connaissances, nous sommes prêts à vous aider à atteinder vos objectifs..Mit unserer mehr als 65 jährigen erfahrung wollen wir ihnen beim erreichen ihrer ziele unterstützen..With more than 65 years of knowledge we are ready to help you reach your goals..With more than 65 years of knowledge we are ready to help you reach your goals....

....Our team combines different expertises, such as project management, engineering and service operations. Together we build the foundation to design individual solutions aligned to your needs. We offer a wide range of machines and modular systems. Our flexible product portfolio enables us to adjust and reconfigure our equipment in a way that it suits your processing requirements ideally. .. Notre équipe combine différentes expertises, telles que la gestion de projet, l'ingénierie et les opérations de service. Ensemble, nous construisons les bases pour concevoir des solutions individuelles adaptées à vos besoins. Nous proposons une large gamme de machines et de systèmes modulaires. Notre gamme de produits flexible nous permet d'adapter et de reconfigurer nos équipements de manière à ce qu'ils répondent parfaitement à vos exigences de traitement. .. Unser Team vereint verschiedene Fachkompetenzen wie Projektmanagement, Technik und Serviceleistungen. Gemeinsam schaffen wir die Grundlage für die Entwicklung individueller Lösungen, die auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmt sind. Wir bieten eine breite Palette von Maschinen und modularen Systemen an. Unser flexibles Produktportfolio ermöglicht es uns, unsere Anlagen so anzupassen und umzukonfigurieren, dass sie optimal zu Ihren Verarbeitungsanforderungen passen. .. Our team combines different expertises, such as project management, engineering and service operations. Together we build the foundation to design individual solutions aligned to your needs. We olffer a wide range of machines and modular systems. Our flexible product portfolio enables us to adjust and reconfigure our equipment in a way that it suits your processing requirements ideally. .. Our team combines different expertises, such as project management, engineering and service operations. Together we build the foundation to design individual solutions aligned to your needs. We olffer a wide range of machines and modular systems. Our flexible product portfolio enables us to adjust and reconfigure our equipment in a way that it suits your processing requirements ideally. ....

....unique product and engineering solutions..DES PRODUITS ET DES SOLUTIONS D'INGÉNIERIE UNIQUES..einzigartige produkt und engineeringslösungen..unique product and engineering solutions..unique product and engineering solutions....

....Our equipment ranges from small-scale equipment to machines with capacities up to 480 t/h. Together with our project team we offer you guidance and support from the first drawings towards a finished plant. Our highly qualified service engineers provide you with their expertise also after purchasing Westrup equipment. That enables you to get the most out of our equipment ..Notre gamme d'équipements va des petits équipements aux machines d'une capacité allant jusqu'à 480 t/h. En collaboration avec notre équipe de projet, nous vous accompagnons et vous accompagnons dès les premiers dessins jusqu'à l'installation finie. Nos ingénieurs de service hautement qualifiés vous apportent leur expertise même après l'achat d'équipements Westrup. Cela vous permet de tirer le meilleur parti de nos équipements. ..Unser Angebot reicht von kleinen Anlagen bis hin zu Maschinen mit Kapazitäten von bis zu 480 t/h. Zusammen mit unserem Projektteam bieten wir Ihnen Beratung und Unterstützung von den ersten Zeichnungen bis zur fertigen Anlage. Unsere hochqualifizierten Servicetechniker stehen Ihnen auch nach dem Kauf einer Westrup-Anlage mit ihrem Know-how zur Verfügung. So können Sie das Beste aus unseren Anlagen herausholen.. Our equipment ranges from small-scale equipment to machines with capacities up to 480 t/h. Together with our project team we offer you guidance and support from the first drawings towards a finished plant. Our highly qualified service engineers provide you with their expertise also after purchasing Westrup equipment. That enables you to get the most out of our equipment..Our equipment ranges from small-scale equipment to machines with capacities up to 480 t/h. Together with our project team we offer you guidance and support from the first drawings towards a finished plant. Our highly qualified service engineers provide you with their expertise also after purchasing Westrup equipment. That enables you to get the most out of our equipment ....


....new product development..DÉVELOPPEMENT DE NOUVEAUX PRODUITS..neuproduktentwicklung..new product development..new product development....

At Westrup, we have always placed emphasis on creating valuable solutions. Today, our focus continues to be on values that help drive the growth of our customeres economic, environmental and social bottom lines.

We are frontiers in implementing new technology in our machines, testing and rebuilding over a course of months to ensure the quality. The testing period is enforced to fix bugs and premature complications in a new product.

Our product development department takes pride in being open and engaging. We apply our broad skillset when creating the right solution for each customer by combining specialists from the entire factory to minimize any types of difficulties.

For us it is personal. Our team is committed to finding the right long-term solution for machines made to last a lifetime.

....local roots - global reach..ANCRAGE LOCAL - PORTÉE MONDIALE..lokale wurzeln - globale reichweite..local roots - global reach..local roots - global reach....

....The world is changing rapidly, and so is the seed and grain industry. Navigating complexity and achieving stability is challenging, yet it has never been more important. The key to a prosperous and sustainable business is the ability to adapt to change. This is what we help you do. .. Le monde évolue rapidement, tout comme l'industrie des semences et des céréales. Il est difficile de naviguer dans la complexité et d'atteindre la stabilité, mais cela n'a jamais été aussi important. La clé d'une entreprise prospère et durable est sa capacité à s'adapter au changement. Voici ce que nous vous aidons à faire. .. Die Welt verändert sich mit rasender Geschwindigkeit, so auch die Saatgut- und Getreidebranche. Schwierigkeiten zu meistern und für Stabilität und Beständigkeit zu sorgen ist anspruchsvoll, aber wichtiger denn je. Der Schlüssel für ein erfolgreiches und nachhaltiges Unternehmen ist dabei seine Wandlungsfähigkeit. Hier können wir Ihnen helfen. .. The world is changing rapidly, and so is the seed and grain industry. Navigating complexity and achieving stability is challenging, yet it has never been more important. The key to a prosperous and sustainable business is the ability to adapt to change. This is what we help you do. ..The world is changing rapidly, and so is the seed and grain industry. Navigating complexity and achieving stability is challenging, yet it has never been more important. The key to a prosperous and sustainable business is the ability to adapt to change. This is what we help you do. ....

....Our head office is located in Denmark. Together with our local offices in Germany, France, Kazakhstan, the USA and Australia we support our customers around the globe. .. Notre siège social est situé au Danemark. Avec nos bureaux locaux en Allemagne, en France, au Kazakhstan, aux États-Unis et en Australie, nous assistons nos clients dans le monde entier. ..Unser Hauptsitz befindet sich in Dänemark. Gemeinsam mit unseren regionalen Büros in Deutschland, Frankreich, Kasachstan, den USA und Australien unterstützen wir unsere Kunden weltweit. .. Our head office is located in Denmark. Together with our local offices in Germany, France, Kazakhstan, the USA and Australia we support our customers around the globe. .. Our head office is located in Denmark. Together with our local offices in Germany, France, Kazakhstan, the USA and Australia we support our customers around the globe. ....

....Alongside our official Westrup offices we collaborate with a wide network of distributors across the continents, who add value to our solutions, as they are familiar with local requirements and conditions. .. En plus de nos bureaux officiels de Westrup, nous collaborons avec un vaste réseau de distributeurs à travers les continents, qui ajoutent de la valeur à nos solutions, car ils connaissent les exigences et les conditions locales. .. Neben den offiziellen Westrup Büros arbeiten wir einem grossen Netzwerk an Händlern auf allen Kontinenten zusammen, welche mit lokalen Herausforderungen und Rahmenbedingungen vertraut sind. ..Alongside our official Westrup offices we collaborate with a wide network of distributors across the continents, who add value to our solutions, as they are familiar with local requirements and conditions. .. Alongside our official Westrup offices we collaborate with a wide network of distributors across the continents, who add value to our solutions, as they are familiar with local requirements and conditions. ....